Our Team
Erich Jarvis
Head of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language and professor at The Rockefeller University. He is also a scientific investigator ...
Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language New York, NY
Rajvi Agravat
Rajvi Agravat is a Research Assistant in the Jarvis laboratory. She joined the lab in August 2020 and is interested in studying...
Matt Biegler
Matt is postdoctoral associate in the Jarvis Lab, working toward improving biotechnology applications in birds, both for ...
Lomax Boyd
Lomax is a postdoctoral associate at The Rockefeller University, Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language. His research...
Samara Brown
Samara is the lab manager of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language. She received her BA in Biological...
Lindsey Cantin
Lindsey is a graduate fellow in the Jarvis Laboratory at The Rockefeller University. She is interested in understanding the specialization...
Ha Na Choe
Ha Na is a former graduate fellow in the Jarvis lab at Rockefeller University and the Matsunami lab at Duke University...
Matthew Davenport
Matthew is a graduate fellow in the Jarvis and Vaziri laboratories at Rockefeller University primarily interested in the evolutionary...
Giulio Formenti
Giulio is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Jarvis Laboratory. He has an undergraduate background as a naturalist...
Gregory Gedman
Gregory is a PhD in the Jarvis Laboratory. He is studying the brains of vocal learners, namely humans and songbirds...
Caitlin Gilbert
Caitlin a PhD student in the Jarvis Lab studying the epigenomic patterns in the zebra finch brain that allow for the development...
Elijah Harter
Elijah is a Research Assistant for the Jarvis Laboratory. He graduated from the University of Chicago in June 2020 and has done...
Anna Keyte
Is a research scientist in the Jarvis Laboratory. She received her doctorate in Developmental Biology from the Duke University...
Louisa Kuper
Louisa is a Research Assistant for the Jarvis Lab working on engineering a vocal phenotype in mice. She received her Bachelor...
Jared Levine
Jared Levine, PhD is the grant proposal writer in the Jarvis laboratory. He received his doctorate in neuroscience from...
Brigid Maloney
Brigid is a graduate fellow in the Jarvis and Magnasco laboratories at the Rockefeller University. Her primary research...
Stephanie Marcus
Stephanie is a fifth-year graduate fellow. She received her BA in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Rutgers University...
Sadye Paez
Sadye is the Program Director and a Senior Research Associate in the Jarvis laboratory. As a biomechanist, physical therapis...
Peter Schade
Peter is a second-year graduate fellow co-advised by Erich Jarvis and Winrich Freiwald. Peter explores how neural circuits...
Lauren Shalmiyev
Lauren is the Administrative Coordinator for the Jarvis Laboratory. She has experience in the conduct of clinical trials, laboratory...
Constantina Theofanopoulou
Constantina is a Post Doctoral Associate at Rockefeller University. She received her PhD in the Neurobiology of Language...
César Vargas
César is a fifth-year graduate fellow. His primary research interest is how animals control their actions and movements, particularly ...
Elena Waidmann
Elena is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Jarvis lab. She received her B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis, during which she...
Rockefeller University Field Research Center Millbrook, NY
Jean-Nicolas Audet
Jean-Nicolas is a Banting postdoctoral fellow at the Rockefeller Field Research Center in Millbrook. In his early career, Nik worked...
Mélanie Couture
Mélanie Is a research assistant at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook, NY. Prior to joining the Jarvis lab...
Matthew Maresca
Matthew is a Husbandry Attendant for the Jarvis Lab at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook, NY. He grew up...
Gillian Permuy Durham
Gillian is the Head of Animal Husbandry for the Jarvis Lab at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook...
Lotem Tchernichovski
Lotem is a Husbandry Attendant for the Jarvis Lab at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook, NY. She received...
Grace Smith-Vidaurre
Grace is a NSF Broadening Participation postdoc fellow in the Jarvis lab. Dr. Smith-Vidaurre received her BS from Haverford...
Vertebrate Genome Lab
New York, NY
Olivier Fedrigo
Executive Director
Olivier is a computational biologist interested in in molecular mechanisms underlying organism adaptation.
Jennifer Balacco
Research scientist
Jen is a molecular biologist and expert in isolating ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA and in many long read technologies...
Kathleen Horan
Administrative coordinator
Kathleen is our administrative coordinator. She facilitates samples exchange between institutions and coordinates...
Nivesh Jain
Research scientist
Nivesh is a molecular biologist training in ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA isolation, Bionano, and PacBio.
Jacquelyn Mountcastle
Research scientist
Jackie is a molecular biologist specialized in sample collection and preservation, ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA...