Neuroengineering circuits for vocal learning
Vocal learning is an incredibly complex behavior that requires an intricate choreography between genetics, development and neural activity between different brain regions. While each aspect plays an important role in vocal learning, we believe the motor system is particularly important for the evolution of this complex behavior. Drawing from the descriptive insides of comparative genomics and brain evolution, we use cutting-edge tools in gene manipulations and physiological measurements (including multiphoton live imaging and silicon probe electrophysiology) to test how each facet of the genes-to-neuron choreography affects the vocal motor system. We aim to use this knowledge to reverse engineering the features of advanced vocal learners in mice, a genetically tractable model system.
How flexible is the mouse vocal behavior?
How is this behavior implemented in neural circuitry?
Can we enhance both vocal flexibility and circuit function by imitating the gene expression patterns of advanced vocal learners?

Further Readings
Of mice, birds, and men: the mouse ultrasonic song system has some features similar to humans and song-learning birds. Arriaga G, Zhou EP, Jarvis ED. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46610.
A Foxp2 Mutation Implicated in Human Speech Deficits Alters Sequencing of Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Adult Male Mice. Chabout J, Sarkar A, Patel SR, Radden T, Dunson DB, Fisher SE, Jarvis ED. Front Behav Neurosci. 2016 Oct 20;10:197.
Molecular mapping of movement-associated areas in the avian brain: a motor theory for vocal learning origin. Feenders G, Liedvogel M, Rivas M, Zapka M, Horita H, Hara E, Wada K, Mouritsen H, Jarvis ED. PLoS One. 2008 Mar 12;3(3):e1768.