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Our Team


Erich Jarvis


Head of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language and professor at The Rockefeller University...

Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language     New York, NY

Kirubel is a graduate fellow. He graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor's of Science and Arts...


Matt Biegler


Matt is postdoctoral associate in the Jarvis Lab, working toward improving biotechnology applications in birds, both for ...


Matthew Davenport 


Matthew is a graduate fellow in the Jarvis and Vaziri laboratories at Rockefeller University primarily interested in the evolutionary...

Victor is a Research Assistant in the Neuroengineering and Behavior group at Jarvis Lab. 


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Victor Yang

Research Assistant


Giulio Formenti

Research Assistant Professor

Giulio is Research Assistant Professor in the Jarvis Laboratory and Bioinformatics Lead in the Vertebrate Genome Laboratory,...


Elena Waidmann


Elena is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Jarvis lab. She received her B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis, during which she...

Chul Lee is a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Jarvis lab at Rockefeller University. He was co-supervised by prof. Heebal Kim and...


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Hector R. Bermudez

Research Assistant

Hector is a Research Assistant for the Jarvis lab working on the Neuroengineering and Behavior team. He is interested ...

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Brigid Maloney


Brigid is a graduate fellow in the Jarvis and Magnasco laboratories at the Rockefeller University. Her primary research...


Marwa Mahmoud


Marwa is the Grant Proposal Writer for the Jarvis Laboratory; she leads grant proposal writing efforts for the lab. Dr. Mahmoud...

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Matthew Randesi


Matthew is the Laboratory Manager for the Jarvis lab. He has worked as a Lab Manager in several different positions both.

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Sadye Paez


Sadye is the Program Director and a Senior Research Associate in the Jarvis laboratory. As a biomechanist, physical therapis...


Peter Schade


Peter is a second-year graduate fellow co-advised by Erich Jarvis and Winrich Freiwald. Peter explores how neural circuits...

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Lauren Shalmiyev


Lauren is the Administrative Coordinator for the Jarvis Laboratory.  She has experience in the conduct of clinical trials, laboratory...

Simona is a postdoctoral fellow at the Jarvis lab. Her experience spans from fieldwork to wet lab to bioinformatics. During her...


Constantina Theofanopoulou

Herbert and Neil Singer Senior Research Associate

Constantina Theofanopoulou is the Herbert and Neil Singer Senior Research Associate at Rockefeller University...

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César Vargas


César is a postdoctoral fellow. His primary research interest is how animals control their actions and movements, particularly ...

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Sara Omer


Sara is a Graduate fellow rotating in the Jarvis lab. She is working on understanding the germline-restricted chromosome...

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NJ De Silva

Research Specialist

NJ is a Research Specialist in the Jarvis Lab. He graduated from Columbia University with degrees in Biomedical Engineering...

Rockefeller University Field Research Center
Millbrook, NY


Jean-Nicolas Audet


Jean-Nicolas is a Banting postdoctoral fellow at the Rockefeller Field Research Center in Millbrook. In his early career, Nik worked...


Mélanie Couture


Mélanie Is a research assistant at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook, NY. Prior to joining the Jarvis lab...


Matthew Maresca


Matthew is a Husbandry Attendant for the Jarvis Lab at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook, NY. He grew up...


Gillian Permuy Durham


Gillian is the Head of Animal Husbandry for the Jarvis Lab at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook...


Lotem Tchernichovski 


Lotem is a Husbandry Attendant for the Jarvis Lab at the Rockefeller University Field Research Center in Millbrook, NY. She received...


Grace Smith-Vidaurre


Grace is an NSF postdoc fellow working on how the early social environment changes gene regulatory markers and...

Vertebrate Genome Lab
New York, NY


Conor Whelan

Research Scientist



Jennifer Balacco

Research scientist

Jen is a molecular biologist and expert in isolating ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA and in many long read technologies...


Kathleen Horan

Administrative coordinator

Kathleen is our administrative coordinator. She facilitates samples exchange between institutions and coordinates...

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Nivesh Jain

Research scientist

Nivesh is a molecular biologist training in ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA isolation, Bionano, and PacBio.



Linelle Abueg


Linelle (left) is a bioinformatician specializing in genome assembly & evaluation.

Patrick Traore.HEIC

Patrick Traore

Research Assistant

Patrick is molecular biologist training in Ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA isolation, Bionano, and PacBio.


Tatiana Tilley

Research Assistant

Tatiana is a molecular biologist training in Ultra-High Molecular Weight DNA isolation, Bionano, and PacBio.



Nadolina Brajuka

Computational biologist

Nadolina completed a Masters of Bioinformatics in 2021 and is now a Computational Biologist...

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Jack A. Medico


Jack is a graduate fellow at the Vertebrate Genome Lab, at Rockefeller University. He got his B.Sc....


Sabrina Burmeister

Visiting professor

Sabrina is a visiting professor from UNC Chapel Hill.


Mac Gooder

Visiting Student

Mac is interested in genome assembly and bioinformatics.

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Cassidy Jonhson

Graduate Student

Cassidy is a PhD student in the Jarvis lab. She graduated from Vanderbilt University with a B.A. in Molecular & ...

Emily is an administrative assistant at VGL, bringing a wealth of experience from her background in ...

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Emily Houton

Administrative Assistant

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Kirsty McCaffrey

Bioinformatics Assistant

Kirsty is a Bioinformatics Assistant II in the Vertebrate Genome Lab, working on the curation of high-quality reference genomes.

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Bonhwang Koo

Data Support Assistant

Bonhwang is a data support assistant at the VGL, supporting the lab in wrangling genomic data and metadata.

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